Destiny User Structure

Understanding the typical structure of users in Destiny helps you know who can do what.

Each user is assigned to an access level, which defines what that group of users can see and do in Destiny. For example, you might have a District Patron Manager, Library or Resource Administrators, Staff, and Patrons.

The Destiny, Library, and/or Resource Administrator (with a Product Access Level permission) uses permissions to define the specific tasks these groups can and cannot perform. Permissions include things like the ability to search all sites in a district, pay fines, and renew resources.

Note: Some districts may have a Site Administrator with all Product Access Level permissions to manage their patrons. Follett recommends having a Library Administrator and/or Resource Administrator assume this role and be given only the Product Access Level permissions they need.

The following graphics show some of the typical district users and access levels set up during installation:

Destiny user structure.

District vs. Site Users

Destiny Administrators configure and maintain Destiny for the entire district. While they can navigate to a site, they have limitations. Because there are features/functions they cannot access, this should not be the login used to perform daily tasks.

Users that need access to the entire district should be set up as district-level users. They can also be given site access.

Most site-level users search for, catalog, and circulate resources. Staff, teachers, and students can have access to one or more schools.

Destiny Administrator image. District User. Library and Resource Administrator illustration.
What they CAN do:

Perform updates and upgrades to Destiny*

Configure the permissions for district-level users and Site Administrators

Create district-level user accounts

View a list of all jobs for the district

Add, maintain, and delete sites

Manage district policies

Navigate into a site

Export titles, and transfer resources at a site

Manage materials across the district.


They may act in one or more of the following roles for the district:

Manage patrons, including importing patrons

Create district reports

Manage library materials (Library Manager)

Manage resources (Resource Manager)

Manage access levels

Create site reports

Complete site-level tasks

Publish Resource Lists to their local site or district

*Self-hosted districts only

Destiny Administrator image. District User. Library and Resource Administrator illustration.
What they CANNOT do:

Assign permissions to site users that have not been granted to a site-level administrator

Manage patrons, library materials, and resources, or run reports from the district site

Own a Resource List, or use to export titles and transfer resources at a site

Check out or hold library materials or resources

Incur and be charged fines

Publish a Resource List to a site or the district

Incur and be charged fines


Permissions affect a patron's ability to perform various functions and see certain tabs, options, and sub-tabs. See Permissions for more details.

If your role requires a deep knowledge of permissions and access levels, consider reviewing the Security Setup training materials for Library Manager or Resource Manager. If you would like to attend a facilitator-led training, contact your Inside Sales Technology Representative. To find out who your Sales Representative, Customer Service Representative, or Technical Support contact is for Follett content, technology, and textbook products and services, go to