Update Patrons Job Summary: Review common exceptions
Destiny displays messages in the Update Patrons Job Summary when an invalid record or invalid fields in a record have been skipped, or when Destiny has entered default values into blank fields to allow a record to be saved.
Below are the common messages encountered in the Job Summary, an explanation of the message, and recommendations to resolve each issue. To see the explanation and resolution, click the message.

Destiny is trying to add or update a record, but the value in the tag exceeds Destiny's character limit for that field.
To resolve this, reduce the amount of data in the CSV file that is to be loaded into the field in Destiny.
In this scenario, Destiny does proceed with adding/updating the record. The data in the field specified is truncated to fit the maximum character length for the field.

Destiny is trying to add a record, but the Access Level data is absent, meaning the AccessLevel tag is either missing or empty. This message also appears when Destiny is attempting to update an existing record but the Access Level data is absent (the AccessLevel tag is empty).
Since every patron record in Destiny must be linked to an Access Level, Destiny assigns the site's default Access Level to the record. The default Access Level is defined in Admin > Access Levels.
In these scenarios, Destiny proceeds with updating the other fields with the incoming XML data. The record is added or updated with the assigned default Access Level.
Note: To change the Access Level on an individual patron record, click the Edit Patron link in the Job Summary. |

Destiny is trying to add or update a record, but the value in the AccessLevel tag does not match any current Access Levels for the site.
As every patron record in Destiny must be linked to an Access Level, Destiny assigns the site's default Access Level to the record. This is the default Access Level as defined in Admin > Access Levels
In these scenarios, Destiny proceeds with updating the other fields with the incoming XML data. The record is added or updated with the assigned default Access Level.

Destiny is trying to add a record to a site with Destiny Resource Manager, but the Access Level’s Resource Group data is either missing or empty.
In Resource Manager, every patron record linked to a site must be linked to a Resource Group under the Access Level. If a patron record is not linked to a site, Destiny assigns the site's default Resource Group as defined in Admin > Access Levels > {Access Level} > Resources sub-tab.
In these scenarios, Destiny continues with updating the other fields with the incoming XML data. The record is added or updated with the assigned default Access Level Resource Group.
Note: To change the Resource Group for the Access Level on an individual patron record, click the Edit Patron link in the Job Summary. |

For information regarding invalid records skipped because of duplicate barcode values, see Resolving Barcode Conflicts in the Update Patrons Job Summary.

Destiny is trying to add a new record, but the barcode data is either missing or empty.
To resolve this, verify that the student's barcode value (usually the student's unique ID in the district) is included in the CSV file correctly. You should also review the Patron Import Converter properties file used to convert the CSV data to XML data.
In this scenario, the entire record is skipped. No information is added to Destiny.

Destiny is trying to update an existing record, but the barcode data is absent, which usually means the Barcode tag is empty.
To resolve this, verify that the student's barcode value (usually the student's unique ID in the district) is included in the CSV file correctly. You should also review the Patron Import Converter properties file used to convert the CSV data to XML data.
In this scenario, the entire record is skipped. No information is updated in Destiny.

Destiny is trying to add or update a record, but the value in the BirthDate tag does not follow the date format specified on the Edit District page.
To resolve this, verify that the date format specified on the Edit District page in Destiny is set correctly. Then, if necessary, fix the date format in the CSV data, or use the Patron Import Converter formatting options to change the output to match the date format specified.
In this scenario, Destiny does proceed with updating the other fields with the incoming XML data. The record is added or updated, but the Birth Date field is left untouched.

Destiny is trying to add or update a record, but the value in the CardExpires tag does not follow the date format specified on the Edit District page.
To resolve this, verify that the date format specified on the Edit District page in Destiny is set correctly. Then, if necessary, fix the date format in the CSV data, or use the Patron Import Converter formatting options to change the output to match the date format specified.
In this scenario, Destiny does proceed with updating the other fields with the incoming XML data. The record is added/updated, but the Card Expires field is left untouched.

This message appears if "Require District ID for patron records" is enabled for the district and Destiny is trying to add a new record, but the DistrictID tag is either missing or empty.
To resolve this, verify that the student's unique ID in the district is included in the CSV file. You should also review the Patron Import Converter properties file used to convert the CSV data to XML data.
In this scenario, the entire record is skipped. No information is added to Destiny.

This message appears if the district setting for "Require District ID for patron records" is enabled, and Destiny is trying to update an existing record, but the DistrictID tag is empty.
To resolve this, verify that the student's unique ID in the district is included in the CSV file. You may also need to review the Patron Import Converter properties file used to convert the CSV data to XML data.
In this scenario, Destiny does proceed with updating all the fields with the incoming XML data. The District ID field is cleared.

Destiny is trying to add or update a record, but the value in the Username tag is the same as another patron or user record in the district. The user name value must be unique within the district; it cannot conflict with any existing users at the district or any site.
To resolve this, ensure that both patron records have unique username values in the CSV file. If there is no username data in the CSV file, you may need to review the Patron Import Converter properties file used to convert the CSV data to XML data.
In this scenario, the entire record is skipped. No information is added or updated in Destiny.

Destiny is trying to add or update a record, but the Gender tag is either empty or the contents do not match a valid value of M, F or U.
To resolve this, fix the format of the gender field in the CSV data, or use the Patron Import Converter to convert the data to a valid value of M, F or U.
In these scenarios, Destiny does proceed with updating the other fields with the incoming XML data. The record is added or updated with the assigned gender of Unspecified.
Note: If Destiny is trying to add a new record, and the Gender tag is not included in the XML record, Destiny assigns the gender of Unspecified. No message is displayed in the Job Summary in this situation. |

Destiny is trying to add/update a record, but the value in the GraduationYear tag does not follow the date format specified on the Edit District page.
To resolve this, verify that the date format specified on the Edit District page in Destiny is set correctly. Then, if necessary, fix the date format in the CSV data, or use the Patron Import Converter formatting options to change the output to match the date format specified.
In this scenario, Destiny proceeds with updating the other fields with the incoming XML data. The record is added or updated, but the Graduation Year field is left blank.

Destiny is trying to update an existing record, but the contents of the IsTeacher tag do not match a valid value of True, False, Yes, or No.
To resolve this, alter the format of the Is Teacher field in the CSV data, or use the Patron Import Converter to convert the data to a valid value.
In this scenario, Destiny proceeds with updating the other fields with the incoming XML data.
Note: If Destiny is attempting to add a new record, the Currently Teaching field in Destiny is deselected unless the IsTeacher tag contains either True or Yes. No message is displayed during an "add" process if the data is missing or invalid. |

Destiny is trying to update an existing record, but the LastName tag is empty.
To resolve this, verify that the student's last name value is included in the CSV file correctly. You should review the Patron Import Converter properties file used to convert the CSV data to XML data.
In this scenario, Destiny proceeds with updating the other fields with the incoming XML data. The Last Name field is left unchanged.

Destiny is trying to add a new record, but the LastName tag is either missing or empty.
To resolve this, verify that the student's last name value is included in the CSV file correctly. You should review the Patron Import Converter properties file used to convert the CSV data to XML data.
In this scenario, the entire record is skipped. No information is added to Destiny.

Destiny is trying to match an incoming record to the database by Barcode and SiteShortName, but the Barcode tag is either missing or empty.
To resolve this, verify that the student's barcode value, which is usually the student's unique ID in the district, is included in the CSV file. You should review the Patron Import Converter properties file used to convert the CSV data to XML data.
In this scenario, the entire record is skipped. No information is added or updated in Destiny.

Destiny is trying to match an incoming record to the database, and match criteria are missing.
To resolve this, verify that the student's unique ID in the district and the current school value are included in the CSV file. You should review the Patron Import Converter properties file used to convert the CSV data to XML data.
In this scenario, the entire record is skipped. No information is added or updated in Destiny.

Destiny is trying to match an incoming record to the database by Barcode and SiteShortName, but the SiteShortName tag is either missing or empty.
To resolve this, verify that the student's current school value is included in the CSV file correctly. You should also review the Patron Import Converter properties file used to convert the CSV data to XML data.
In this scenario, the entire record is skipped. No information is added or updated in Destiny.

For information regarding invalid records skipped because of duplicate barcode values, see Resolving Barcode Conflicts in the Update Patrons Job Summary.

Destiny is trying to add a record, but the PatronType tag is either missing or empty. This message also appears when Destiny is trying to update an existing record, but the PatronType tag is empty.
Because every patron record in Destiny must be linked to a Patron Type, Destiny assigns the default Patron Type for the site to the record. This is the default Patron Type defined in Admin > Library Policies > Patron Types. The assigned Patron Type value is specified in parentheses in the Job Summary.
In these scenarios, Destiny proceeds with updating the other fields with the incoming XML data. The record is added or updated with the assigned default Patron Type.

Destiny is trying to add or update a record, but the value in the SiteShortName tag does not correspond to any site's Short Name or Alias in Destiny.
To resolve this:
- If the value in the Job Summary is not the correct value for the school, work to get this corrected in the CSV file.
- If the value is correct but the school is not part of Destiny, either work to remove the entries from the CSV file or use the "Skip patrons when" setting of the Patron Import Converter to drop those records.
- If the data appearing in the Job Summary is accurate, edit the site information in Destiny by updating the Short Name field or adding an Alias.
In this scenario, the entire record is skipped. No information is added or updated in Destiny.

Destiny is trying to add a new record, but the SiteShortName tag is either missing or empty.
To resolve this, verify that the student's current school value is included in the CSV file correctly. You should also review the Patron Import Converter properties file used to convert the CSV data to XML data.
In this scenario, the entire record is skipped. No information is added to Destiny.
Note: If an existing record is being updated with the incoming XML, no error is generated if the SiteShortName tag is empty. The patron remains at the current site. Destiny proceeds with updating the other fields with the incoming XML data. |

Destiny is trying to add or update a record, but the Status tag is either empty or the contents do not match a valid value of A, Active, I, Inactive, or R, Restricted.
To resolve this, fix the format of the Status field in the CSV data, or use the Patron Import Converter to convert the data to one of the valid values listed above.
In this scenario, Destiny proceeds with updating the other fields with the incoming XML data. The record is added or updated with the assigned status of Active.
Note: If Destiny is trying to add a new record, and the Status tag is not included in the XML record, Destiny assigns a status of Active. No message is displayed in the Job Summary. |

Destiny is trying to match an incoming record to the database by District ID, but the DistrictID tag is empty.
To resolve this, verify that the student's unique ID in the district is included in the CSV file correctly. You should also review the Patron Import Converter properties file used to convert the CSV data to XML data.
In this scenario, the entire record is skipped. No information is added or updated in Destiny.

Destiny is trying to update an existing record by transferring it to a new site, but the transfer would be between media and non-media sites. In Destiny, patrons can be added or deleted from district media sites via XML, but cannot be transferred into or out of district media sites.
To resolve this, remove the user from the current site. You can do this either manually or by uploading an XML file. After the patron record is removed, upload the original XML file again to add the patron to the desired site.

Destiny is looking for the number of XML records that must be read in the patron update for the inactivation / deletion process to be initiated. If any of the four primary checkboxes are enabled in the Inactivation / Deletion section, validate the After every Full update where "Patron XML records read" is greater than field contains a numeric value between 0 and 999,999.

The Inactivate patrons that have not been updated in the past checkbox was selected, and Destiny is looking at the associated field to contain a numeric value between 0 and 999.

The Set the Homeroom to undefined checkbox was selected, but the Inactivate patrons that have not been updated in the past checkbox has not been selected.

The Preface Username value with "Inactive-" and remove the Password - if stored in Destiny checkbox was selected, but the Inactivate patrons that have not been updated in the past checkbox has not been selected.

The Delete the patrons that have been inactive checkbox was selected; therefore, Destiny is looking at the associated field to contain a numeric value between 0 and 999.

The Delete the patrons that have been inactive checkbox was selected, along with the and have no checkouts and a total fine balance of less than option. Destiny is looking at the associated field to contain a standard monetary value.

The Delete the patrons with outstanding transactions where checkbox was selected; therefore, Destiny is looking at the associated days field to contain a numeric value between 0 and 999.

The Delete the patrons with outstanding transactions where checkbox was selected, along with the the Grad Year value was option; therefore, Destiny is looking at the associated field to contain a numeric value between 0 and 99.

The Delete the patrons with outstanding transactions where checkbox was selected, along with the the patron has reached age option; therefore, Destiny is looking at the associated field to contain a numeric value between 0 and 99.