Item Fields (Update Resources)

This table has the item field options that are available at a site and district when updating individual items.

See the Key column to determine if the option is available at the site, district, or both.

KEY: S = Site only; D = District Only; S/D = Site and District

Item Field Individual Update Key Batch Update Key Global Update Key To use…
Condition S/D S/D S/D Select the condition from the drop-down that appears.
S/D S/D S/D Click Select, and then find and select the applicable patron as the custodian.
Date Acquired S/D S/D S/D Enter a date, or clickCalendar select the date the item was acquired.
S S S Select a department from the drop-down that appears. To add, edit, or delete a department, click Other.
District Identifier
S/D     Enter a unique District ID.
Funding Source S/D S/D S/D Select the funding source from the drop-down that appears. To add, edit, or delete a funding source, click Other.
Home Location
S S S Select a home location from the drop-down that appears. To add, edit, or delete a home location, click Other.
Item Category
S S S Select an item category from the drop-down that appears. To add, edit, or delete a category, click Other.
Projected Life S/D S/D S/D Enter the projected life in years in the field that appears.
Purchase Order S/D S/D S/D Enter the purchase order (PO) in the field that appears.
Purchase Price S/D S/D S/D Enter the purchase price amount in the field that appears.
Resource Description   S/D   Click Select, and then find and select the applicable resource.
Salvage Value S/D S/D S/D Enter a salvage amount in the field that appears.
Serial Number S/D     Enter the serial number in the field that appears.
Status S/D S/D S/D

Select the status from the drop-down that appears.

Note: Items with a status of In Transit or On Order cannot be changed until they are received in Catalog > Transfer Resources or Catalog > Resource Orders.