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You can limit your catalog search to only digital content, or find digital titles in a search of all material types.

To limit search results to eBooks and audiobooks:

  1. Using a Basic or Power search, type your search term.
  2. From the Material Type drop-down, select Electronic Book (eBook) or Sound Recording (nonmusical).
  3. Click one of the following depending on the type of search you are performing:
    • Basic: Click the appropriate search button.
    • Power: Click Search.

Identify digital titles in search results by their material type icons:

Follett eBook icon: Follett eBook
non-Follett eBook icon: non-Follett eBook
Lightbox icon: Lightbox
: interactive eBook
audiobook icon: audiobook


  • For information on finding digital content using Destiny Discover, see Destiny Discover Help.
  • For information on checking out and using Follett Digital content, see eBook Help.