Excuse fines

The Excuse Fines sub-tab on the Update Patrons page lets you globally delete fines and refunds by grade level or graduation year, and by a value or date range. You can delete fines and refunds for just your patrons, or include patrons of other schools who borrowed your materials. You might want to do this at the end of the school year if you do not expect to collect any more fines.

Note: Resource-only sites do not have patron fines.

Important: Excusing or deleting fines cannot be undone. This process only deletes fines assessed at your school.

To excuse or delete fines:

  1. Select Admin > Update Patrons > Excuse Fines sub-tab.

    Update Patron page Excuse Fines sub-tab

  2. In the My site's outstanding section, choose the type of fines to excuse/delete.


    • You have to be logged in as View All to see library and resource fines.
    • An example of a patron fine is $5 for a lost ID.
    • If you select this checkbox, refunds from both Library Manager and Resource Manager will be excused/deleted.
  1. If you are deleting resource fines and want to choose a specific type, next to All Resource Types, click Update.
    Note: To delete resource fines, you need the Delete resource fines permission.
  2. To further limit the process, complete any of the following fields:
    Use this field to...
    With a value from ___ to ___

    Limit the deletion of fines to a value range.

    • Leave both from and to fields blank – the report removes all fines, regardless of the amount.
    • Leave the from field blank and enter a value in the to field – the report includes all those, up to and including the value entered.
    • Enter a value in the from field and leave the to field blank – the report includes that value and all those after it.
    • Enter the same value in both fields – the report is limited to that value.
    Created from ___ to ____

    Limit the deletion of fines to a date range.

    • Leave both the from and to fields blank – the report includes all dates.
    • Leave the from field blank, and enter a date in the to field – the report includes all those up to and including the date entered.
    • Enter a date in the from field, and leave the to field blank – the report includes that date and all those after it.
    • Enter the same date in both fields – the report is limited to that one date.
    Associated with

    Use the drop-down to either:

    • Delete fines for any patron with fines at your site.
    • Delete fines for only your patrons.

    Limit the fine deletion to patrons by grade or graduation date. From the drop-down, select either:

    • Grad Year, and enter the year in the next field.
    • Grade Level, and enter the level in the next field.
  3. Click Delete.
  4. When the confirmation message appears, click Yes. The Job Manager displays the Excuse/Delete Fines job.

    Note: Destiny displays Fine Deleted or Refund Deleted in each patron's Fine History for fines and refunds deleted through this process.

Job Summary

For each Excuse/Delete Fines job, Destiny generates a Job Summary showing a total count of fines and refunds that were deleted or excused. It lists each, including:

  • Fine or refund type
  • Amount
  • Patron name
  • Patron barcode
Note: The Job Summary lists how many records were updated and skipped. Be sure to review these numbers. Also, each record contains an Edit Patron link. If you find that a record was changed in error, you can click this link to revert the data to its original state.