Print a barcode(s) for a single copy

Destiny lets you print barcodes when adding a new copy or replacing a damaged barcode. You can print one or more barcodes for the same copy.

Example: You print two copies of a barcode. Place one on the back cover, and one on the inside of the front cover. Then, if the outer barcode is lost or damaged, there is still a barcode available.


  • You can also print copy barcodes for a group of used or unused barcodes.

  • You cannot print barcodes longer than 14 characters.

Important: The first time you print barcodes, test them for usability.
  1. Do any of the following:

    To print a barcode when adding a new copy... To print a replacement barcode for an existing copy...
    1. Select either Catalog > Library Search or Catalog > Add Title, and search for the book you want.

    2. Next to the title of the desired book, click Details.

    3. Click Add Copies.

    4. Enter a starting barcode number.

    5. Select the Print labels checkbox.

    6. Click Save Copies.

    1. Go to Circulation > Copy Status, and search for the book you want.

    2. If more than one match is found, click the barcode next to the desired copy.

    3. Click Print Labels.

  1. Do one or both of the following:

    If you want to... Then...
    Print barcode labels
    1. Select the checkbox, and enter the number of barcode labels you want for this copy.

    1. To have additional information on a barcode label, select any of the four Include the checkboxes.

    1. Use the drop-down to choose one of the preloaded label stocks.

    1. To continue using partially-used label sheets, enter the number of the next available label in the Start on label field.

    2. If necessary, set the printer offsets to fine-tune the printing alignment on the barcode labels.

    Note: Barcode labels contain the copy's scannable barcode, the barcode number, and any of the four optional fields:

    • Site or district name

    • Title (up to 20 characters)

    • Author (up to 20 characters)

    • Call number (up to 30 characters)

    Print spine and pocket labels
    1. Select the checkbox.

    1. Use the drop-down to choose one of the preloaded label stocks.

      Note: Depending on the label stock you choose, Destiny prints a spine label, spine and pocket labels, or spine, circulation, and pocket labels.
    1. To continue using partially-used label sheets,enter the number of the next available label in the Start on label field.

    2. If necessary, set the printer offsets to fine-tune the printing alignment on the barcode labels.

    1. Select the font size from the Call number font size drop-down.

      Note: This selection applies only to the call number on the spine labels, not to the volume number or copy number, nor to pocket or circulation labels.
    1. To start a new line after each space in the call number, select the Start a new line at every space checkbox.

      Note: This selection applies only to spine labels, not circulation or pocket labels.



    • Spine labels contain the copy's call number, any volume or issue descriptions and numbers, and any copy number included in the copy record.

    • Pocket labels contain the call number, author, and title.

  1. Click Run Report.
  1. When the Report Manager opens, click View. The report opens in a browser.

  1. Do one of the following:

    If you want to... Then...
    Download the label sheet Click .
    Print the labels
    1. Position the label stock in your printer.
    2. Click .
    3. Set the print settings.

      Important: Set to:

      • Scale at 100%.

      • Print on one side.

    4. Click Print.